Internet Movie Database   The objective of the Internet Movie Database is to provide useful and up to date movie information. It currently covers over 140,000 movies with over 2,000,000 filmography entries. This site claims to have everything you ever wanted to know about every movie ever made!

Metacritic   This is the site to visit if you want to know what people think about a movie. You can find summaries and details of professional reviews from a large selection of publications. You can also read the critiques of site visitors and share your own opinions about the best and worst of video.

MovieWEB   MovieWEB has previews of current movies. Each movie has its own page which lets you download movie pictures, movie posters, production notes, and Quicktime videos. The site also features links to movie studio Web pages.

Video ETA   If you want to know the Expected Time of Arrival on video for a movie, check out this site. The listings are very complete -- with some videos we've never even heard of -- and it's easy to use. Then sign up for notification and we'll call you when the video arrives at your Video Signals store.

Box Office Guru   Want to know how films are doing at the box office? This site has a wealth of data on film box office performance -- including a database that gives figures for every film released since 1989. It also has a good page of links to entertainment related Web sites for movies and television.

The Digital Bits   This very informative DVD site has a great new disc and player review section, a rumor mill with all the latest gossip, and a Top 10 list for disc and player sales. Win a prize playing their monthly trivia contest and then check out Video Signals' current list of DVD rentals.

Theatre III   This Acton/Boxborough theater group produces affordable, quality performing arts events. Visit this site for information on attending and/or participating in a variety of musical and dramatic events.

Hollywood Online   Show times and listings for selected area theaters can be found at this site. The Hollywood Online page also features news/gossip articles and a variety of information on recent theatrical and video releases.